Sunday, March 28, 2010
From Eventless to Eventful
I returned home only to endure 4 days of a migraine headache, 2 days of being unable to keep anything in my stomach, and eventually a trip to the ER for an IV. But alas, I have returned to normal. And thankfully so!
The Kielbasa Apple Pasta bake a couple of weeks ago was a smashing success at our house. Especially to DH who had a heaping plateful two nights in a row. Good thing, too, as the recipe yields enough to feed an army. This week I will be attempting Kung Pow Shrimp and finally breaking in the wok we received as a wedding gift more than 5 years ago. Hopefully, this won't be the last time it gets use around here! I will keep you posted...
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Burning at Both Ends
Plain weave on my rigid heddle using some amazing handspun from
Monday, March 8, 2010
Still Here...
And perhaps this explains my lack of activity lately.
I am feeling a bit better these days and am hoping to have more FOs up soon! Additionally, as I have been feeling like a less-than-stellar mother and wife, I have decided that to make it up to them I will attempt one new recipe a week. No. Not Julia's. Just whatever I happen to stumble upon in one of my lady magazines that sounds yummy.
Keep your eyes peeled as I plan to keep you apprised of any that work out particularly well. To start this week: Kielbasa and Apple Pasta Bake.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Knit. Not woven.
I did it! I finally got through a knitting project! The first since I finished DH's anniversary sweater (2 months late). Feather and fan lace scarf, triple wide and super long; striped in my favorite shades of Malabrigo merino worsted.
Wove in about a billion ends. Phew!
In other news, I recently became the proud owner of a fab, old Ashford spinning wheel! Hope to learn how to use it soon.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Little Ponchos!
It took me a while, but I finally finished Christmas gifts for my twin nieces. I insisted on making them something "a mano", but I simply cannot finish any knitting projects lately!
Woven, of course, in my favorite 32 Flavors. And wonder of wonders, they fit both my 17 mo and my 3 yo!
El Cielo
I am all about the sky blues lately. I absolutely love this one! Again, loosely handwoven in tabby on my rigid heddle. So soft!
Here it is! My first 20 dpi scarf, in my own handpainted lace weight yarn. It is so light and airy!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
I had a renaissance of sorts with the rigid heddle weaving. You just can't get as creative and you can't play with texture and color as easily on my Wolf Pup! In the pursuit of the perfect spring scarf I produced this:
And this:
And just this afternoon I finished the finest cheesecloth of a scarf that I have ever made using my own handpainted lace weight. I just had to try out my new 20 dpi reed for the Wolf Pup that is (I think) as high as they go for this loom. I will get pics up once it is dry.
And next? I am hoping to finally use up a bunch of Fleece Artist yarn that I got about two years ago, on a cap-sleeve raglan pullover. And then, if I persevere through my project impatience, I have an idea to replicate this:

Monday, January 4, 2010
Seafoam Hand-fulled Scarf
I was thinking about keeping this but I am not so sure...
It would make a great transitional scarf for spring. Lovely, pale colorway and lacey open weave to boot!
Wish me luck! I think I am going for a pixie cut tomorrow!! In the middle of winter-I'm nuts!