Love this colorway, love this scarf!
Friday, May 29, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Lulu or Mia?
Last time I got my hair cut I went with the asymmetrical bob-thingy and it has suited me well. Now next week I see the stylist again and I am itching to go super short for summer. Which, when faced with the choice of these two style icons, would you prefer? I personally have always had a thing for the flapper bob, but I did the pixie two summers ago and found that it suited me well, too.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Lipgloss/Spicy Peach/Sunrise
I had such a hard time naming this one! Suffice it to say, it is a very beautiful colorway. Orange, peach, coral, pink, fuchsia, magenta, and more! Listed for sale in my shop.
Friday, May 22, 2009
And the Winner is...
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Sweeten the Pot
I added distressing and fringe at the ends, and threw in a pin of handmade felt beads just for fun. Comment on this post to enter!
Happy Thursday!
Enjoy this image of my friend Katie's Guiness cupcake with cream cheese frosting...YUM!
**I draw the winner of Blue Cabbage tomorrow! Comment here to enter.**
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Grand Opening 20% Off
One of the hardest parts of being a self-representing artist/artisan is pricing. Depending on who you ask, the strategy for pricing handmade textiles (handknits, wovens, etc.) is anywhere from 1.5 to 3 or more-times the cost of materials. If I followed the 3x rule my goods would be ridiculously priced. As it is I sometimes feel that, objectively speaking, my prices are pretty high. But then again what one is paying for is a one-of-a-kind, original designed, handmade work of art. If you want affordable get something mass produced off the rack at TJMax. Right?
The more stubborn and proud artists price high and refuse to negotiate. I envy those people with their amazing confidence. And sometimes they are even successful, but sometimes not. For me it really seems to be hit or miss. In business school I learned all about economies of scale. I found the topic to be both surprising and intriguing; to know that some very successful retailers actually sell some items at a loss but take such huge margins on others that they are, in the long-run, profitable! Keeping all of this in mind I look at an item and grapple with all of these conflicting "rules".
My usual strategy: much were the materials for this? Now how much is that x2? Would I pay that much for this? Now. What would I expect to pay for this?...and on and on...It is a very scientific process indeed...But bottom line (no pun intended) I do what I do because I love to do it, not because I depend on what I earn to survive. Not yet anyways. All the same it is a very expensive habit I have and I always need more yarn so that I can keep on creating. And so...
As of tomorrow morning and through June 1st, I am taking 20% off the top and across the board. My gift to you for taking an interest in my hobby, my passion. Thank you.
PS. Don't forget to comment on the GIVEAWAY by Friday 5/22nd to enter to win Blue Cabbage Scarf for FREE!
The more stubborn and proud artists price high and refuse to negotiate. I envy those people with their amazing confidence. And sometimes they are even successful, but sometimes not. For me it really seems to be hit or miss. In business school I learned all about economies of scale. I found the topic to be both surprising and intriguing; to know that some very successful retailers actually sell some items at a loss but take such huge margins on others that they are, in the long-run, profitable! Keeping all of this in mind I look at an item and grapple with all of these conflicting "rules".
My usual strategy: much were the materials for this? Now how much is that x2? Would I pay that much for this? Now. What would I expect to pay for this?...and on and on...It is a very scientific process indeed...But bottom line (no pun intended) I do what I do because I love to do it, not because I depend on what I earn to survive. Not yet anyways. All the same it is a very expensive habit I have and I always need more yarn so that I can keep on creating. And so...
As of tomorrow morning and through June 1st, I am taking 20% off the top and across the board. My gift to you for taking an interest in my hobby, my passion. Thank you.
PS. Don't forget to comment on the GIVEAWAY by Friday 5/22nd to enter to win Blue Cabbage Scarf for FREE!
Butterfly Wings Summer Wrap
Holy ----!
I just love the way this turned out! I used a very fine warp thread and a much bulkier weft in one of my favorite yarns and it is perfectly loose and airy. The colors are absolutely gorgeous! I think I will be doing more of these.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Friday, May 15, 2009
Heads or Tails/A New Giveaway...
So because both of you who voted went in different directions, I was left with no other option but to flip a coin. Tangerine is heads and Blue Cabbage is tails. And the winner is...
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Another Giveaway
So my last giveaway went over so well, and I had so much fun doing it, that I am thinking about doing another! Here are a couple of possiblities:
First, a new design that I am working on. I threw this very loosely-woven wrap together last night in record time. It is fulled for added texture and durability. I am really pleased with the way it turned out, but as it is a prototype of sorts, I am having a hard time assigning a price tag to it. So option 1: Tangerine Summer Shawl

And second is Blue Cabbage. This is the final product of the scarf listed in the last post.

And the rest is up to you! Which scarf should I giveaway? I will list the new giveaway tomorrow!!!
First, a new design that I am working on. I threw this very loosely-woven wrap together last night in record time. It is fulled for added texture and durability. I am really pleased with the way it turned out, but as it is a prototype of sorts, I am having a hard time assigning a price tag to it. So option 1: Tangerine Summer Shawl
And second is Blue Cabbage. This is the final product of the scarf listed in the last post.
And the rest is up to you! Which scarf should I giveaway? I will list the new giveaway tomorrow!!!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Don't Sweat the Technique
I was honestly unaware that this "design" is a credited pattern. I vaguely recall seeing a scarf or something somewhere with this holey shape and don't even know if it was knit or woven. After doing some research, it seems that this technique of weaving and then felting the fabric (as I was actually intending to do) was already "discovered" by someone else before me. Alas, there is nothing new under the sun.
All the same I think that if this test-run turns out alright I would like to try again with some lovely handpainted sock. Maybe Noro?
Sunday, May 10, 2009
The Hoya Blooms Once This Year
This plant is the "descendant" of the original that belonged to my father's mother. It passed through my great aunt and my mother before making it's way to me. I haven't had it long, and it is still a baby with lots of room to grow, but I get the very occasional blossom; about once a year. How serendipitous that she chose to bloom this year for Mothers' Day.
There are a lot of little changes going on in my world right now. I launched Dos Palomas on etsy just this afternoon and I am absolutely terrified! I never had the success with My Finn that I had hoped for, and although I feel that my photography and product design is far superior, etsy has become so huge that it is far more easier to get lost and buried in the site now, than it was when I launched my old shop more than 2 years ago.
Please take a link is at the right, and feel free to let me know if you have any constructive criticism. I want this shop to be a success and I cannot succeed if my art is unappealing to the consumer (ie. YOU).
AND secondly, I would like to report that the WW is going really well! I am not going to lie, the first week was incredibly difficult. But I lost 5 lbs already!!! And I even managed to squirrel away enough points to enjoy a wonderful, delicious, Mother's Day brunch this morning with the boys and hubby at my favorite local pub, Duke of Devon. Not to rub it in but tenderloin with shitake gratin, corn and potato hash, champagne, huge colorful bloodies, coconut creme brulee... Mmmmmmmmmmmm...
Please take a link is at the right, and feel free to let me know if you have any constructive criticism. I want this shop to be a success and I cannot succeed if my art is unappealing to the consumer (ie. YOU).
AND secondly, I would like to report that the WW is going really well! I am not going to lie, the first week was incredibly difficult. But I lost 5 lbs already!!! And I even managed to squirrel away enough points to enjoy a wonderful, delicious, Mother's Day brunch this morning with the boys and hubby at my favorite local pub, Duke of Devon. Not to rub it in but tenderloin with shitake gratin, corn and potato hash, champagne, huge colorful bloodies, coconut creme brulee... Mmmmmmmmmmmm...
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Monday, May 4, 2009
Here Goes Nothing
There is nothing that I hate more than our culture's preoccupation with weight and weight loss. Yet at the same time, I am constantly disappointed by my own inability to get control over my weight issues. Flip sides of the same ambivalent coin...
I have struggled with my weight all of my life. There were highs and lows; the lows usually brought on by a motivational remark from my mother and subsequently, unhealthy measures on my part; yet the results were met with praise just the same. I have always been a mind over matter kind of person and believed that if I wanted it badly enough I could just will it to happen. This rule never applied to weight loss, however, and in this respect I have always felt a bit of a failure.
In college I took a very eye-opening class where I learned that the preoccupation with weight loss, the constant worry about calories and intake, and food deprivation are all contributing factors to weight gain! I also came to the conclusion that none of my short-term weight loss measures were successful. On the contrary, I would "rubber band" sooner or later back to my previous weight with a little something extra. Turns out in the long run, this kind of "rubber band" dieting is actually worse for your long-term health than simply being overweight! Plus I could never, ever, trust myself to stick to a "diet" for life, nor could I give up certain indulgences that I enjoy on a fairly regular basis. So all in all, I came to the conclusion that no matter what, I would simply. not. diet.
And then I got pregnant.
I think that Hollywood has really done a number on the collective egos of women in this country. We all have this gross misconception that being pregnant means that we will be all glowy and cutesy with no other physical manifestations that slightly larger boobs and a lovely rounded belly. Ha! With both of my pregnancies the first place where I gained weight was in my bottom! Seriously! Who carries babies in their bottom? Both times it was so bad that I actually didn't fit into XL maternity pants! Can you imagine? When you are already bloated and having a hard time fitting into anything at all as it is? The horror. Post pregnancy weight loss is likewise disappointing for me. Don't expect to see me strutting down the red carpet in a slinky gown just days postpardum. I will be looking positively 2nd trimester for at least another 6 months.
My doctor(s) took issue both times with my weight gain and with my postpardum weight loss. I will never forget sitting in the office time after time, still confounded by the friendly reminders about my weight. I am not a stupid person; I am well aware that pregnancy does not mean a food free-for-all. As a matter of fact I tried very hard with both pregnancies to keep my weight under my control. Yet my body, to spite me, seemed to want to go where it wanted to go with absolutely no regard for my thoughts or feelings on the matter. After Joseph was born it took about 9 months before the weight really started to come off, with no assistance or insistence. And by the time I fell pregnant with Ryan I was only 10 lbs away from my prepregnancy weight.
So again, post Ryan's birth, I find myself in the same pants and shoes quite literally. And this time it seems to be taking even longer to come off! Admittedly, it does seem to be following the same pattern, and perhaps if I were more patient I would see a swift downward swing in a couple of months. All the same, the part of me that needs to have control (albeit irrationally) will not be subdued in the meantime.
I started Weight Watchers Online last night.
I am super-duper scared that I will fail. That I will only last a day or two and give up completely. Or that if I am successful, in time I will just bounce back to where I am now. Or worse, I will gain even more. The prospect of having to do this over and over for the rest of my life makes me weary and depressed. I feel that I shouldn't have to do this! That I should be able to just will it to happen, but my body defies me and I don't have that option...
I need encouragement and support now. If anyone out there has advice, or positive examples to reassure me in this challenge I would greatly appreciate it. In the meantime, I promise to keep you posted of my progress.
I have struggled with my weight all of my life. There were highs and lows; the lows usually brought on by a motivational remark from my mother and subsequently, unhealthy measures on my part; yet the results were met with praise just the same. I have always been a mind over matter kind of person and believed that if I wanted it badly enough I could just will it to happen. This rule never applied to weight loss, however, and in this respect I have always felt a bit of a failure.
In college I took a very eye-opening class where I learned that the preoccupation with weight loss, the constant worry about calories and intake, and food deprivation are all contributing factors to weight gain! I also came to the conclusion that none of my short-term weight loss measures were successful. On the contrary, I would "rubber band" sooner or later back to my previous weight with a little something extra. Turns out in the long run, this kind of "rubber band" dieting is actually worse for your long-term health than simply being overweight! Plus I could never, ever, trust myself to stick to a "diet" for life, nor could I give up certain indulgences that I enjoy on a fairly regular basis. So all in all, I came to the conclusion that no matter what, I would simply. not. diet.
And then I got pregnant.
I think that Hollywood has really done a number on the collective egos of women in this country. We all have this gross misconception that being pregnant means that we will be all glowy and cutesy with no other physical manifestations that slightly larger boobs and a lovely rounded belly. Ha! With both of my pregnancies the first place where I gained weight was in my bottom! Seriously! Who carries babies in their bottom? Both times it was so bad that I actually didn't fit into XL maternity pants! Can you imagine? When you are already bloated and having a hard time fitting into anything at all as it is? The horror. Post pregnancy weight loss is likewise disappointing for me. Don't expect to see me strutting down the red carpet in a slinky gown just days postpardum. I will be looking positively 2nd trimester for at least another 6 months.
My doctor(s) took issue both times with my weight gain and with my postpardum weight loss. I will never forget sitting in the office time after time, still confounded by the friendly reminders about my weight. I am not a stupid person; I am well aware that pregnancy does not mean a food free-for-all. As a matter of fact I tried very hard with both pregnancies to keep my weight under my control. Yet my body, to spite me, seemed to want to go where it wanted to go with absolutely no regard for my thoughts or feelings on the matter. After Joseph was born it took about 9 months before the weight really started to come off, with no assistance or insistence. And by the time I fell pregnant with Ryan I was only 10 lbs away from my prepregnancy weight.
So again, post Ryan's birth, I find myself in the same pants and shoes quite literally. And this time it seems to be taking even longer to come off! Admittedly, it does seem to be following the same pattern, and perhaps if I were more patient I would see a swift downward swing in a couple of months. All the same, the part of me that needs to have control (albeit irrationally) will not be subdued in the meantime.
I started Weight Watchers Online last night.
I am super-duper scared that I will fail. That I will only last a day or two and give up completely. Or that if I am successful, in time I will just bounce back to where I am now. Or worse, I will gain even more. The prospect of having to do this over and over for the rest of my life makes me weary and depressed. I feel that I shouldn't have to do this! That I should be able to just will it to happen, but my body defies me and I don't have that option...
I need encouragement and support now. If anyone out there has advice, or positive examples to reassure me in this challenge I would greatly appreciate it. In the meantime, I promise to keep you posted of my progress.
Friday, May 1, 2009
And the Winner is...
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