I must admit, I am more than just a little jewelry obsessed. I can easily spend hours surfing the web in the pursuit of that next new perfect piece of wearable art metal to add to my collection.
My metal of choice? Silver. With stones, without stones, in abstract designs and representational shapes; I love it all. I briefly considered adding a link list comprised exclusively of some of my favorite jewelry designers but not only would such a list go on forever, it could take me all day to compile!
The problem is that sometimes I get so focused on an idea, or I see a piece that is oh, so almost perfect that I obsess about it. I have seriously lost sleep over the conception of the perfect piece jewelry that eludes me. So the solution suddenly came to me. What with all this time that I have on my hands (ha ha) why don't I learn to become a metalsmith?
I searched the web for classes. I mentally ran through the list of local favorites who might consider letting me apprentice, or at least teach me a thing or two for free. But in the end, it just didn't make sense.
But what's that? Did you say PMC?
That's right. A new fantastic medium. A clay that can be molded or shaped or cut or punched or enameled or textured by hand by even the most un-crafty novice. And when fired with a creme brulee torch it becomes FINE SILVER with an even higher silver content than sterling! No joke.
I am sure that a few educated and experienced metalsmithes even scoff at the idea of metal clay. I suppose it might seem like cheating to some. And it cannot be denied that often the results look distinctly amateurish. But believe it or not, I have discovered more than one PMC artist whose work is just that: art, and it would take an expert far more experienced than I to tell the difference.
The plans for my new project are in place. The layout for my new "studio" is being tweaked, I have been doing plenty of research and self-education, and I am saving my pennies to stock up on supplies. PMC jewelry is coming soon to KSH!
In the meantime, here is my ode to PMC. A selection of items by some of my favorite PMC artists for your enjoyment: